Didn't finish on time...

Was supposed to be a guitar hero like, press spacebar when the sphere is in the center of the box.

The score DOES go up but at weird times if you press just as it crosses the line.


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The timing seems to be when the line on the left is completely clear, but a ball is over the line on the right.

Also, you have to zoom to see the score.
For my submission, Itch let me set the dimensions of the HTML view, so I set them to be the same as what was under Project -> Project Settings -> Display -> Window -> Size in Godot 3.

Thanks for trying it out!

I tried setting a variable to "true" when the ball enters a hittable zone, then "false" when it leaves, and requiring "Input is action just pressed" plus hittable variable "true" to make the score go up, but something there didn't turn out quite right.

It would be interesting to take more time to troubleshoot it.

As for the zoom, I don't observe that on any of my browsers, but that sounds like great practice to adjust those settings, I'm going to try and remember that, thank you!